Refraction – Revelation Scoring Grand Expansion Sound Pack

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Just Released – At long last, the first Expansion Sound Pack for Revelation Scoring Grand is here. Refraction – an extensive collection of samples and snapshots exploring the possibilities of 30 new sampled instrument sound sources (3.8GB). All exposed in a thorough collection of 100 Sound Yeti designed and curated snapshots.

Refraction reinforces Revelation Scoring Grand as a powerhouse for creating cinematic drama. From complex ensemble sounds to simple solo voiced underscore cues. Refraction delivers sounds you won’t hear anywhere else

Snapshots are organized into five expository categories. Each category offers deep inspiration and instant gratification for those trying to capture the moment in musical expression. 

  • Filmic – 20 cinematic backgrounds, underscore tones, meat and potatoes cinematic pads that you can take to the bank. 
  • Refractions – A group of 25 snapshots with evolving themes, time morphed textures and sweeps. You’ll probably be holding down the keys for a while to let these reveal themselves.
  • Comp – Snapshots that accentuate and discretely compliment the outstanding sampled grand piano in Revelation Scoring Grand, particularly suited for pianistic performances.
  • Dusty – A collection of 20 denser multi-keyboard textures and hybrid keyboard sounds with hints of grainy and earthy undertones, digital dust.
  • Atmospheric – Performing with just a couple notes might do the trick with these 20 atmosphere generating tones. Those with a flair for space, environmental, ambient, new age music might dig this. 

Now On Sale!

Key features

Revelation Scoring Grand - Rule Breaking Hybrid Synth Kontakt Free PlayerJust Released – Refraction is an extensive collection of samples and snapshots exploring the possibilities of 30 new sampled instrument sound sources. All exposed in a thorough collection of 100 Sound Yeti designed and curated snapshots. Refraction reinforces Revelation Scoring Grand as a powerhouse for creating cinematic drama. From complex ensemble sounds to simple solo voiced underscore cues. Refraction delivers sounds you won’t hear anywhere else. 

Snapshots are organized into five expository categories. Each category offers deep inspiration and instant gratification for those trying to capture the moment in musical expression. 

  • Filmic – 20 cinematic backgrounds, underscore tones, meat and potatoes cinematic pads that you can take to the bank. 
  • Refractions – A group of 25 snapshots with evolving themes, time morphed textures and sweeps. You’ll probably be holding down the keys for a while to let these reveal themselves.
  • Comp – Snapshots that accentuate and discretely compliment the outstanding sampled grand piano of Revelation Scoring Grand. These presets are particularly suited for pianistic performances.
  • Dusty – A collection of 20 denser multi-keyboard textures and hybrid keyboard sounds with hints of grainy and earthy undertones and little lo-fi dust. 
  • Atmospheric – Performing with just a couple notes might do the trick with these 20 atmosphere generating tones. Those with a flair for space, environmental, ambient, new age styles of music might dig this the most.

Get Ready to Ride a New Wave

Refraction sets an oblique, unique and unexpected direction into cinematic sound and composition. Sounds complex but really that means dialing in your creativity is super easy. Revelation Scoring Grand does the heavy lifting. You’ll find Refraction well integrated into Revelation Scoring Grand’s intuitive sound browser with categories. 

Thirty fresh and new sampled instruments are presented in five elemental categories; Filmic, Dusty, Comp, Atmospheric and Refractions. Even more, with 100 new snapshots included with the expansion, users will still be struck with the sense of “only scratching the surface.” Anyone looking to forge new directions with sampled instruments, Refraction will give you plenty on which to reflect, a new wave to ride. 

Important Notes & Requirements

Refraction is the first expansion sound pack for Revelation Scoring Grand – the first instrument in Sound Yeti’s Revelation Series of Hybrid Synths for Kontakt Free Player. Sound Yeti Expansion Sound Packs are easy to install. Just add files to your Native Instruments User Content folder and instrument Samples folder. Instructions included. Please note special requirements for the Refraction Expansion Sound Pack:

Sound Yeti’s Revelation Scoring Grand Kontakt instrument is required, this expansion pack will not work with any other instruments (including other Revelation Series instruments)

Kontakt 6.8 or higher is required for using the expansion sound pack. Note that Revelation Scoring Grand, the instrument by itself (without expansion) requires Kontakt 6.5.3 – Get Kontakt updates from your Native Access account.

You must install the Revelation Scoring Grand 1.1 .nki update before you install the expansion sound pack – files and instructions are included with the Refraction Expansion Pack. 

Pack includes all new sound samples and Kontakt snapshots for Revelation Scoring Grand. It’s 4GB is file size so chill a bit, that’s a sweet amount of content.



Product details
Product Number: SY-RSGEXP-REF-090923
Current Version: 1.0
Total File Size: 4.05GB
Number of Sound Files: 30 Instruments, 100 Snapshots
Format and Resolution:
Lapsed Time: N/A
Product Metadata:
Product Type: Expansion
License Type: Single User License – Sound Yeti EULA – for a multi-user license, click here. If a Student or Instructor — Apply for the EDU Program.

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