NOTE** We have updated Ambitions Expansions to all be NKS compatible! Redownload the Snapshots below.
By default, all Sound Yeti expansion packs will be NKS ready and be viewable in Komplete Kontrol or Maschine. If your expansion pack is not showing up in Komplete Kontrol or Maschine. Please follow the steps below to get the updated files. If you’re just downloading a new expansion today April 8th 2021 you will already have the correct files no updates needed. Please follow this step-by-step guide to install your Expansions.
Updated Snapshots NKS READY (choose the pack you need to update)
Download –> DAWN
Download –> DUSK
Download –> RELIC
Download and unpacked. Notice the zip files with the word “snapshots.” IE: “Dawn”.
1. Unzip your snapshots file. “Expansion pack name –”
2. This will create a folder called the name of your expansion pack. For example: “DAWN”. This folder will have the expansion snapshots.
3. Located where you installed the plugin Ambition. Inside that folder locate the folder named, “Snapshots”.
Then drag or copy and click “Replace”. This will overwrite the old snapshots folder with the new snapshot folder:s
4. Finished! The NKS ready snapshots are now added and you can browse them in Komplete Kontrol or Maschine. Now you are ready to make some noise.